Since coming to Abbott, I’ve been thoroughly impressed by our company’s innovative nature. A drive to stay on the cutting edge of scientific developments is truly central to our values and goals. An excellent example of our commitment to innovation is Abbott’s contribution to the study of human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs). For over 25 years, Abbott has explored the important role HMOs play in human breast milk, as well as the benefits of including them in infant formula.
To understand the importance of HMOs, it’s necessary to understand the composition of human breast milk. Breast milk is made up of many bioactive components, such as hormones, enzymes, and nucleotides. HMOs are major prebiotics found in breast milk. In fact, they are the third most abundant solid component found in breast milk, after lactose and fats. While there are over 150 HMOs found in breast milk, on average, the top 15 most abundant HMOs in mature milk make up over 75% of total HMO concentrations.1 Within the 3 categories of HMOs (fucosylated, sialylated, and acetylated), 5 of the most abundant HMOs are LNT, 2'-FL, 3-FL, 3'-SL, and 6'-SL.1,2 Each of these HMOs has a unique structure and serves a different function.
Preclinical research shows that HMOs support digestive health, immune support, and brain development.
Advancements in HMO commercial production have enabled HMOs to be added to infant formulas. Breast milk will always remain the ideal first choice. When recommending an infant formula, it’s important to recognize that not all infant formulas contain HMOs. Consider a formula that supports infants’ immunity, brain development, and digestive health.
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