Pure Bliss® by Similac® Organic

infant formula with iron

Pure Bliss® by Similac® Organic

infant formula with iron

Pure Bliss by Similac infant formulas are modeled after breast milk* and crafted with care for you and your little one. As the makers of Pure Bliss, we’re inspired by the idea that providing nutrition choices for your baby should be simple. We’re here to support you on your journey with baby—to nurture their growing body and cradle them with love. Pure Bliss by Similac Organic infant formula is easy to digest and USDA-certified organic. It has no palm olein oil and no corn syrup. Our products are made with high-quality ingredients and our unique blend of DHA, lutein, and vitamin E that helps support baby’s brain and eye development.

  • USDA-CERTIFIED ORGANIC: Pure Bliss by Similac Organic is easy to digest and is complete organic nutrition for your baby’s first year
  • ALSO AVAILABLE IN CONVENIENT READY TO FEED: Great for on-the-go and late-night feeding; no mixing required
  • MODELED AFTER BREAST MILK*: Our Pure Bliss infant formulas are modeled after breast milk,* crafted with care, and made with high-quality ingredients
  • NOURISH YOUR WAY: No artificial growth hormones,no palm olein oil, no corn syrup, and non-GMO§
  • SUPPORTS BRAIN & EYE DEVELOPMENT: Our unique blend of DHA, lutein, and vitamin E, components also found in breast milk, helps support baby’s brain and eye development
  • FROM SIMILAC: The #1 infant formula brand fed in hospitals

* Designed as a complete or partial breast milk substitute.

Not for infants or children with galactosemia.

Milk ingredients are derived from milk of non-rbST-treated cows, which is not different from milk of rbST-treated cows.

§ Ingredients not genetically engineered.

Clinical Information

Nutritional Information


Nutrient Data

Amount Per Serving

% DV*

{name}   {value}


Amount Per Serving

% DV*

{name}   {value}


Amount Per Serving

% DV*

{name}   {value}








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